About Suzanna7

Passionate letters published in The Financial Times re: Lucien Freud, my art and women's issues, The Wall St. Journal"Betrayal at Ground Zero", The Chief, The New York Times (9),Crains "NYU's Logo should be a dorm with a dollar", The New York Sun, The New York Post, The New York Daily News, Metro, AMNY, The Village Voice "Carbon Copy" letter of the week, Newsday, Jerusalem Post, my blog mentioned New York Mag Intelligencer neighborhood watch. Got speed bumps for Anna Silver School & doors for women's bathroom Tompkins. Donated my white blood cells twice to help a little girl fight Non-Hodgkins & man w/Lymphoma. Two hour process & you can only do it 12 x in your life. Too worn out to donate now. Way back Liz Smith mentioned me & my favorite zen quote "Live each moment as if your hair is on fire." which means live in the moment like it is your last aka live life passionately! I am really proud to say I have run 2 New York City Marathons!!! Also to have done volunteer work with pre-school handicap children at Rusk. My short stories & poems are free podcasts in itunes store. www.suzannahbtroyartist.com

Zachary Carter Should Have Resigned before Bratton!

I can’t believe Zachary Carter has not resigned yet.   Zachary Carter is Mr Redacto — redacting documents to protect wrong doing and guilty parties NYC gov.

No reason to redact documents that NYC gov department of investigation asked for.

Zachary Carter did not use white out in my case — he just sends in his lawyers to lie in court — amazing how Corp Counsel lied in Federal, Appellate and now state Court including Carter’s predecessor.  I was coerced but Carter paid out what 40 million t dollars to the  Central Park 5 accused of gang rape and violence where my lawyer’s letter said I drop the charges against MY ATTACKER if my ATTACKER drops the charges and Delita Hooks letter is yet another crime openly threatening me yet again — same tone as the cunt calling lawyer my guess Tacopina using a sock puppet account to threatened me and the NYPD acted on his threats a pile up of crimes along with the City of NY protecting a pile up of crimes….

<iframe width=”560″ height=”315″ src=”https://www.youtube.com/embed/dh9TedhfthE?rel=0″ frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen></iframe>

I am so scared instead of being forced to resign the Clinton’s will have Mr Redacto replace Loretta Lynch since he isn’t shy about using white out to blot out incriminating evidence.

I can’t believe the presidential elections — more like a bad “unreality” tv show and voters were picking who they thought was the least evil but now Trump has alienated the Republican party and dozens of women have come out exposing what the audio of him talking about “grabbing pussies” lays out for the American public — not the kind of lay anyone wants to hear…


It is grotesque all around — and amazing the Jeffrey Epstein scandal could take down both candidates and more than splatters on both.

Sheldon Silver to Be Arrested 2 Years Before Suzannah Troy Confronted him Outside Courthouse

Suzannah Troy Exclusively Confronted Sheldon Silver on YouTube Asking Are You Corrupt Years before and to date No one has asked him

Sheldon Silver R U part of Corruption?

April 2013 I confronted Sheldon Silver.  Only I had the balls to do it except I don’t have balls (I have something better) in a have to deal with sexist pigs all the time sexism discrimination even anti-Semitism.   I’m the only woman blogger to do what I do here in NYC I’m in the blogger to do what I do.

How ironic I confront him outside a court house  now he is going to get arrested.  As usual I am light years ahead reporting corruption and here again I am validated.  

Cy Vance (now Cy has an intern a victim of a sex predator maybe him or his pal who won’t come forward see below under ps ) dirty NYPD including two NYPD commissioners want to send me a message to heads up internal affairs dirty cops corrupt dirty oligarchs want to put me in my place will guess what I have the exclusive video years before anyone have the guts and I confront Sheldon silver and ask him are you corrupt?
For years I’m the only person to demand a criminal investigation in to 911. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Tz4eMcP2LU&list=PLY0KZtMn4xk25246IHUjTZU5qRdHZC_wG

I was the first and only person to say do not renew with SAIC they’re stealing no one listens to me the union that embrace me and supported me set it will never happen we have to renew they agreed I was the first and only person to demand it it’s on YouTube you can see me on YouTube with a video of over thousand views of me saying don’t renew with SAIC it’s all on YouTube including now vindication confronting Sheldon silver.
Gary Tilzer has exclusive Melissa Mark Viverito dd same as Sheldon Silver…

please help this go viral so shame MD, my attacker, NYPD, IAB and Cy Vance, ADAs involved thank you.
So sad I will also say to FBI I told you so yes over and Over on 911. Here I am almost 2 years ago confronting Silver on camera and the price I pay for my activism DA NYPD IAB sent me a message I better shut up or else the fixing for Dr Fagelman a warning.


Vid 4 second highlights Vine


Mayor De Blasio Bill Bratton Parodies De Blasio the Last to Know Bratton Fired?

 Below I wrote my opinions:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Q12fC4g7mk Parody HI I’m your mayor the last 2know Bratton is 2be fired Parody Bratton during Eric Garner Protest — where was Bill Bratton?  At One Police Plaza networking and booking dates at A list parties for him and his wife?

I feel like Lenny Bruce except I never have done drugs but it looks like I may need Ron Kuby at any moment…

Do you think I will be “accidentally” hardee har har murdered like Eric Garner.   I am not laughing just coping with the anger since I have a damaged retina from Delita Hooks making a hole in my retina and she damaged my eyes and neck with her attack.  No arrest and she wasn’t fired so the NYPD and Internal Affairs Bureau sure did Dr Andrew Fagelman a favor.

 2014- #########
Please add that internal affairs never interviewed me on Coercion and did so I’m purpose because they knew the police light in the reports it was obvious and Ron Kuby did not reach out to Detective John Vergona on Monday but Saturday Oct 20 The second day I agreed to be false arrest since Vergona said oct 16 was no longer an option night and I had to wait for days until Saturday.
Arrest the Jew on the Sabbath? Are you anti-Semitic.  Why do I have to wait for days no answer.
The key thing is internal affairs never talk to me didn’t want to investigate any of this because they knew that the detective was lying that standard I allege and Ron Kuby reached out on Saturday not Monday.
You left that out and miss led the federal judge and everyone because he wanted to cover up the fact he threatened me and also did not have my attacker coming Saturday but just me the victim.
Thanks and gratitude for making a difference.
please help this go viral so shame MD, my attacker, NYPD and IAB thank you.


Vid 4 second highlights Vine

June 19, 2014 learned even more about Internal Affairs Corruption do created new blog goal to sue Mr Bratton and Mr Reznick 2015.
The NYPD an internal affairs fix crime in my opinion based on my own experience.
Dr Andrew Fagelman Delita Hooks Violence Lies New bad Yelp Review Not ADay @ The Beach!



Dr Andrew Fagelman Delita Hooks Punchs Kicks Patient Rips out Patient’s Hair No Arrest Not Fired Man arrested for Kicking Cat

Dr Andrew Fagelman 155 Spring St Delita Hooks Unprofessional Violent Liar Attacks Patienthttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dh9TedhfthE 



Who gets to repeatedly violate a patient rights and than repeatedly violate a patient’s body repeatedly not fired or arrested.  

Did Dr Andrew Fagelman learn this kind of violence is okay at Buffalo Medical school?
The video proves Delita Hooks is an unprofessional violent liar.  Ask Dr Andrew Fagelman why 
he did not fire her and why she was confident she could walk in to the First Precinct and commit yet 
another crime a false cross complaint which proves she is a liar. I was told all the women in the video lied about me along with Delita Hooks and I believe it since none asked if I was okay and my eye was bleeding from a running punch to my eye, she than grabbed my hair and tried to kick me repeatedly as I held my bags my arm numb from two injections. 

The NYPD made arrest over this beautiful tragic cat but the NYPD threatened me like
they got VIAGRA from Dr Fagelman and it also felt like they were retaliating against me
for being an activist.

I was hurt way worse than the beautiful cat.  Delita Hooks came out from behind a long closed off desk.

Hitting a medical patient is like hitting a person in church said one man to me.

Before I was attacked –  note all the bags and FYI my arm was numb with 2 injections in my elbow as well as I held my phone as she repeatedly attacked me.

The  long closed off desk that Delita Hooks some call her “Delite” one person called her Delita Hooker came out from behind to continue her unprofessional violent tirade.
When I called from the police station Dr Vine’s receptionist responded her name is Delite when I asked what is the name of the woman that attacked me.  It was like a cruel joke.
When I could not get help I started to film. 
Delita Hooks could have closed the door but I had no where to go as all the doors in the hallway are locked and she has to Dr JeklyL Mr Hyde and in my option Dr Andrew Fagelman not what he appears to be at all.  He is not a nice man or an ethical MD in my opinion.
Dr Andrew Fagelman Delita Hooks Punchs Kicks Patient Rips out Patient’s Hair No Arrest Not Fired Man arrested for Kicking Cat

CUNY Prof. Petraeus NYPD Brutality Video Student Protestor On Ground Repeatedly Punchs to Kidney

Video exposes NYPD brutalizing students in protest against Petraeus’ professorship


Mayor Bloomberg Ray Kelly any comment?

The only thing that could help these guys legacy is a Terrorist Attack.

Video exposes NYPD brutalizing students in protest against Petraeus’ professorship

CityTime Crime Trial Sept 30 TechnoDyne Owners to Appear? Why Sealed Documents Like Corrupt NYPD Detectives Sealing Delita Hooks False Cross Complaint with their Crime Coercion?


From Suzannah B. Troy Artist Blog — my journal my art my thoughts my opinions….

Bloomberg Quinn Giuliani CityTime Trial TechnoDyne Owners to Appear?

Bloomberg Quinn Giuliani CityTime
Trial TechnoDyne Owners to Appear?

CityTime Trial is calling 50ish plus witnesses. Preet  must call the top brass. Team Bloomberg, Joel Bondy, Where are the Allen’s, Deb Alderson et al SAIC. Watch this heat up as trial nears. There’s a new sealed document, what’s up with that?

mayor bloomberg king of new york: Rudy, Mayor Bloomberg SAIC Crime Update CityTime Trial Begins Sept 30 learn about Preet’s Teflon List
What is with all the sealed info CityTime like corrupt NYPD detectives sealing Dr Fagelman’s false cross complaint against me with her forged medical report she gave NYPD as well as assault me all criminal actions along with NYPD coercing me to drop charges all crimes not arrest instead corrupt cops rush to seal it up.

Mayor Bloomberg Christine Quinn Direct Role 911 Tech Corruption

These are my opinions reposted from my blog which is my journal and my art….

Thank you, Suzannah B. Troy Artist


Mike Bloomberg Christine Quinn Directly Responsible for 911 Tech Corruption

Mike Bloomberg Christine Quinn Directly Responsible for 911 Tech Corruption


Tweeted Christine Quinn I am exposing her 2morrow AM her role 911 Tech Corruption

if can add 1+1 = 2 than you can easily understand Christine Quinn’s role on 911 Tech corruption so egregious she could pay interns to faint every day to be their faux hero and it won’t absolve her

http://www.nydailynews.com/news/election/gonzalez-bloomberg-lauds-911-audit-called-stupid-article-1.1432452   THIS NYDN ARTICLE HUGE AND NO MEDIA OUTLETS COVERING…

I copied the article with the comments to this blog in case the article ever goes missing….

This article with Cas Holloway’s letter to Janet Napolitano is my VICTORY because he lied and insulted all of us…..he did not stay for our testimony and mine stated HP was stealing.  I gave copies of my testimony to Juan Gonzalez, to everyone that would take a copy.

FDNY chiefs took a copy but guess who refused the NYPD head guy for tech top brass and guess who was doing creative policing allowing me to be savagely assaulted my retina damaged for life now — my neck and the NYPD did creative policing same precinct the First Precinct that protects City Hall, same corrupt det squad and my video proves I was assaulted and the NYPD and IAB fixed it.

They did it for a series of reasons and one was that I am a whistle blower reporting corruption involving the NYPD and IAB not doing their job but also 911 Tech corruption and Kelly came out after Hurricane Sandy and said 911 Tech system worked and it didn’t.  In my opinion my guess Dr Fagelman called 1800 NYPD IAB fix it for me as well but me being a 911 whistle blower the 2nd to be strong armed by the corrupt First Precinct Det Squad is a factor not just a coincidence.



Christine Quinn talks human rights and anti-hate crimes but she is as much apart of me being attacked a hate crime in my opinion as Mark Carson’s ambulance taking too long just like Ariel Russo’s and she won’t open an investigation because he also didn’t have a fighting chance because she sold us out to Rudin Family Greed.

Bill DeBlasio’s public advocate rep did call IAB to find out status of my case and they lied and said the case was open but the NYPD det that coerced and he was as violent and abusive as you can be without ever meeting me threatening me was allowed to retire so there is proof the NYPD and Internal Affairs are corrupt and protect corrupt NYPD officers like Det John Vergona who sent I message about the violence and me being on the receiving end.  No wonder Mike Bloomberg and Christine Quinn are silent about me being savagely attacked at 155 Spring St and the NYPD and IAB fixing it for the doctor’s office yet the YouTube has over 15,300 views and the lawsuit has over 900 reads on scribed.com and does reference CityTime and 911 whistle blowing work and retaliation  and bias.

Preet’s role covering up for Bloomberg Quinn on 911 Tech corruption.

It should be noted 2 people from The NY Post approached me to do the story of my shocking assault and never did the story so the bias and behavior very much like early stages Nazi Germany go on people at the top who don’t consider their behavior at all like the early stages of Nazi Germany.




Below is a re-post from Suzannah B. Troy Artist blog and her blog is her journal and her art…

everything expressed is opinion so thanks for checking in and read on….

aveled by Artz Weisbrod Marriage aka “Extell Express”?????

Does Scott String”her” along?

Campaign flack Arzt married to Hudson Yards Development Corp Pres. Ann Weisbrod.
This marriage is known as the EXTELL EXPRESS:  Will this “marriage” be the undoing of Scott Stringer’s Campaign?
If it looks like a cess pool, bubbles like a cess pool, and smells like a cess poll, than it’s Scott Stringer’s campaign.

Christine Quinn is Worse than A Bum No Hospital Rudin Condos

Suzannah Troy Artist Blog post reposted here —- these are my opinions thanks for visiting

corrupt co nyc because Mike Bloomberg Christine Quinn and too many other run NYC like

their own corrupt co

Christine Quinn is worse than any pervy guy because of her greed and stupidity and Scott Stringers puppet for the rich “men-tality” that made sure we have Rudin Luxury condos not a rape crisis Center both Quinn and Stringer must be banned from government offices for life.

We need a Hospital with a Rape Crisis Center and Trauma Level 1 care where St. Vincent’s was with AIDS care but Quinn and Stringer like Bloomberg Rudin sell-outs like John Sexton and the media protects them and sells their lies..

Christine Quinn is Worse than A Bum No Hospital Rudin Condos