These are my opinions….
Mike Bloomberg Use Gabby & Gun Control to Avoid 911 Corruption, Poverty, Violence with No Guns, Pension Problems etc to Spin his Legacy in to Gold
Mike Bloomberg’s legacy is in the garbage but as usual the king of spin and lies — he is using gun control to spin his legacy in the garbage thanks to term limits, ECTP 911 mega corruption and deaths Bloomberg’s Blizzard and Hurricane Sandy, CityTime 2nd largest crime EVER in NYC Gov. 911 bigger, in my opinion add a slew of mega over runs including 311 which like 911 failed during Hurricane Sandy, NYCAPS, FDNY Wireless, etc.
Seedco just officially punished for their crime and like SAIC has to pay the People of NY back money they stole over billing us which is easy to do under mayor Mike Bloomberg.
No one is asking him about these issues and the hospital crisis here in NYC except on the Upper East Side where he lives and that includes the St. Vincent’s Hospital Scandal with Cy Vance refusing to prosecute St. Vincent’s crooks just like he has not investigated the 911 corruption and John Liu’s request for a criminal investigation almost a year ago and how many people died or suffered far worse medical issues because 911 failed Hurricane Sandy?
Bloomberg pushed a reckless tsunami of devleopment aiding Higher Ed like Columbia University, NYU, NY Law, SVA, The New School, Cooper Union as well with Christine Quinn’s help aiding their pal Bill Rudin so we have no hospital in the West Village but Rudin Luxury Condos.
No one will ask Mike Bloomberg about the 3 trials in the Bronx NYPD out of control and the deaths by NYPD guns. No one will ask Mike Bloomberg about Adrian Schoolcraft and how the Queen’s DA refused to prosecute top NYPD officers for putting him in a mental ward just before the election Mike Bloomberg barely won and Mike was selling the lie crime was down.
If Adrian Schoolcraft at been at The New York Times and not help prisoner at a mental ward right before Mike’s election and the NYPD held him through the election Mike might not have won because Mike sold the lie crime is down.
Det. Harold Hernandez resigned when he learned his unit was down grading First Degree Rape.
Mike Bloomberg right now People in Queens and Staten Island as well as Brooklyn still need your help because of the devastation of hurricane sandy and the 911 system still doesn’t work properly and you have Commissioner Ray Kelly saying it does.
Mike grows richer along with Christine Quinn and her spouse as more New Yorkers are falling in to poverty and they feel they are treated like criminals by the NYPD who stop and frisk them with no cause.
Mike Bloomberg uses Gabby Gifford for his tarnish legacy — he thinks he can uses gun tragedies to spin his crimes in to gold.
Mike Bloomberg commited perjury during the Haggerty trial. Will he do so again during the CityTime trial. Is that why Preet Bharara keeps pushing the CityTime trial back — so when Mike commits perjury again he won’t be doing it as a sitting mayor yet again?
Mike and Team Bloomberg were given immunity and none waived it during the Haggerty trial. They will need Preet to give them immunity again during the CityTime trial and where is ECTP 911 criminal trial.
No wonder Mike is using Gabby.