Close to 9,000 views and only partial reading of whistle blowing letter proving SAIC less than ethical and stealing before 2003! Which means we should have gotten a bigger settlement than the 450 million we got back. I was the only one to ask for 1 billion x 3 RICO for The People of NYC.
Look at date of this YouTube — the only one to say NO to a renewal with SAiC instead a full investigation and folks so far I can’t get Preet Bharara go back in Time but SAIC shareholders suing SAIC have and my blog appears in the law suit minus typos and not attribution…sigh.
Another HUGE Bloomberg Administration covered up but SAIC shareholders law suits OJ trial in reverse.
The only think bigger is the 911 tech corruption cover-up no criminal investigation for 911 ECTP bigger than CityTime and lucky Bloomberg and his mini-me Christine Quinn CityTime trial not due to start until Sept. 2013 but shareholders law suits bad news for Bloomberg, NYC gov officials and Preet Bharara US Attorney who said there would be arrests NYC Gov. officials.
And here I am in Aug yelling down Bloomberg at a press conference stating 2 billion 14 million dollars and ECTP the 911 Tech System does not work properly.
Than before Hurricane Sandy I predicted correctly the 911 tech system would fail and it did.
This link above gets in to Hospital scandals including St. Vincent’s Hospital which was opened Sept. 11 and also had a Rape Crisis Center.
To date Cy Vance not rushing to prosecute St. Vincent’s Crooks perhaps afraid to bring attention to Rudin Family acquisition pennies on the dollar? Cy Vance afraid of Howard Rubenstein?
Cy Vance is not rushing to investigate 911 ECTP as John Liu requested after handing in a 20 page audit and Cy is not turning over to US Attorney but hey US Attorney doing a lousy job with CityTIme and refuses to re-do indictment and go back in Time which would be bad news for Rudy Giuliani and his deputy mayors turned SAIC lobbyists as well as key NYC gov officials including Bill Thompson and for Christine Quinn, Preet does not have to go back in Time but so far just like slush abuse he is giving Christine Quinn treatment like she has unofficial immunity.
Christine Quinn brushed aside two investigations brought by Tish James and discouraged a third.
These investigations of CityTime had Joel Bondy testifying under oath.