Below is a post from my blog — my journal my art therefore also my opinion….
9-11 911 Failure Sept 11 Fast Forward to Now 911 Tech Corruption 2 billion 3 million dollar Tax Payer Titanic CityTime 2 — follow the money trail….one year anniversary of John Liu’s press release of an audit of ECTP 911 Tech system calling for criminal investigation…. no criminal investigation by Cy Vance yet and US Attorney Preet Bharara has not come and taken it as he should have.
Reminder Rudy who made his myth of a 9-11 Hero in to 30 million dollar personal fortune had 11 years to move the Emergency Command Center and he didn’t.
Learn about the new 911 Tech system and the many scams including even a real estate purchase for a 2nd Emergency command center that cost…oops mega millions but who cares — it is just tax payer money –not Bloomberg’s personal bank account….