This blog link takes you to my on line journal — my opinions my art — I paint with my words….these are my opinions — thank you for reading.
This blog link takes you to my on line journal — my opinions my art — I paint with my words….these are my opinions — thank you for reading.
Mike Bloomberg Stumps For Marriage Equality In Baltimore Towleroad New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg jetted to Baltimore on Friday to help Gov. Martin O’Malley and Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake campaign for marriage equality there. Bloomberg previously announced a $250,000 personal donation to the … See all stories on this topic » |
Bloomberg Super PAC to Support Like-Minded Candidates Independent Voter Network Mayor Bloomberg discusses his Super PAC. Photo: Bryan Smith / New York Daily News. The Mike Bloomberg Super PAC, Independence USA PAC, expects to spend $10 to $15 million dollars to back selected candidates and legislation across the country. See all stories on this topic » |
Hurricane 2012: Reporting Live From An “Evacuation Zone” In Queens Village Voice (blog) I’m not going to work today, either — I’m gonna be holed up in an apartment in Queens that just happens to be in a part of the borough that Mayor Mike Bloomberg has determined to be an “evacuation zone.” But I didn’t evacuate — and this isn’t even my … See all stories on this topic » |
South Africa Seeks New Bids for 3200 Megawatts of Green Energy Bloomberg I am confident that going forward the process will be much smoother.” To contact the reporter on this story:Mike Cohen in Cape Town;. To contact the editor responsible for this story: Nasreen Seria … See all stories on this topic » |
Evacuations, cancellations mount as megastorm nears Northeast NECN Mayor Michael Bloomberg has also ordered the evacuation of low-lying neighborhoods in the city, including lower Manhattan. Airlines are canceling thousands of flights and Amtrak is scaling back train service in the Northeast Corridor. Forecasters … See all stories on this topic » |
Goodbye, Cruel World Lew Rockwell (blog) Nanny-sorry, Mayor Mike Bloomberg has warned us of the dire weather over and over: maybe he not only deems us stupid but hard of hearing, too. He’s also dispensed such insultingly obvious advice as “remain calm” — even as he tries his hardest to scare … See all stories on this topic » |
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Obama we aren’t interested in your empty words re: Hurricane Sandy when you have done nothing to address the epidemic of violence here in NYC and include me as a casualty by Dr Andrew Fagelman’s receptionist as caught on YouTube.
I voted for Obama and never again.
I voted for Rudy. Never again
I voted for Bloomberg 2 out of 3 times. Never again.
If we do not have leaders no more voting for lesser of two evils.
Maybe I will write someone in but we don’t have leaders.
CorruptCo my term from The White House on down and I will never forget CorruptCo corrupt NYPD Det laughing with delight with the notion of false arresting me holding me illegally for a weekend. He stopped laughing when I said the Judge would throw it out as I was assaulted in a medical office and I would sue him.
Amazing who is above the law as NYPD set a record false arrests.
These are my opinions…
Mike Bloomberg legacy in the trash can just like CityTime destined for the dumpster but hey despite Koch being mired in third term corruption he got a bridge named after him!
If I am ever mayor the bridge will be renamed but don’t worry I am not running.
Lucky for Mike CityTime trial delayed until Sept. 2013 Will Gerald Shargel and Barry Bohrer play Rose Gill Hearn on NY1 doing an infomercial for CityTime! Read up on her father getting a slap wrist for his very own greed and abuse of his expense account.
Than there is ECTP the 911 Tech System even bigger crime. Looks like Mike Bloomberg will be out of office and the powers that be think they can put his puppet in office to protect their mega bucks but Mike Bloomberg’s legacy is in the trash can.
Look here and if link does not work copy and paste.
Reminder Preet Bharara said their would be arrests NYC Gov officials
Where are the arrests?
Where is the criminal investigation and arrests ECTP 911 Tech system because it was criminal.
Tomorrow am I will post an interesting insight in to the 911 tech partly inspired by an ambulance for Christine Quinn’s community member 75 that wanted to testify he demands a hospital in the West Village not Rudin Luxury condos and he pasted out — the ambulance took close to a half hour…
learn why we paid 2 billion 14 million tax dollars for a flawed tech system…..and I asked Christine Quinn for an investigation in to the ambulance and she did not do so.
I foiled the 911 calls and the ambulance went to the wrong address.
We paid how much money and the 911 system can’t get that right?
Check back tomorrow am.
See below an excerpt but click on link to read more!
Two former supervisors at the New York City Department of Housing Preservation and Development (HPD) pleaded guilty today to bribery charges in connection with a widespread scheme to bribe high-ranking HPD officials in return for lucrative construction contracts. Michael Provenzano, formerly HPD’s Director of Construction Services, and Luis Adorno, formerly an inspections supervisor in HPD’s Department of Architecture and Construction Engineering, each pleaded guilty before United States District Judge Nina Gershon, at the U.S. Courthouse, 225 Cadman Plaza East, Brooklyn, New York. As part of their plea agreements, Provenzano and Adorno agreed to forfeit to the government assets totaling $30,000 and $100,000, respectively, as proceeds of their crimes.
The guilty pleas were announced by Loretta E. Lynch, United States Attorney for the Eastern District of New York; Mary Galligan, Acting Assistant Director-in-Charge, Federal Bureau of Investigation, New York Field Office (FBI); Robert Panella, Special Agent-in-Charge, United States Department of Labor (DOL) Office of Inspector General, Office of Labor Racketeering and Fraud Investigations; and Rose Gill Hearn, Commissioner, New York City Department of Investigation (DOI).
HPD is the largest municipal developer of affordable housing in the United States. As detailed in previously-filed complaints against Provenzano and Adorno, Provenzano annually solicited and received $10,000 bribes over the course of several years from a general contractor with extensive HPD work in return for, among other things, providing HPD inspection reports to the contractor. This allowed the contractor to tailor his HPD labor requisitions and certified payrolls to the inspection reports to avoid being penalized for prevailing wage violations. Adorno solicited and received a $100,000 bribe from a general contractor in return for Adorno’s support in advocating for the contractor to be awarded HPD construction contracts.
“The guilty pleas announced today serve to vindicate the public’s interest in holding accountable New York City officials who turned their backs on those they were hired to serve — the neediest New Yorkers. These guilty pleas also mark our determined and continuing pursuit of corruption within the publicly-funded affordable housing sector,” stated United States Attorney Lynch. “Those who qualify for affordable housing deserve no less.”