CityTime Trial is calling 50ish plus witnesses. Preet must call the top brass. Team Bloomberg, Joel Bondy, Where are the Allen’s, Deb Alderson et al SAIC. Watch this heat up as trial nears. There’s a new sealed document, what’s up with that?
mayor bloomberg king of new york: Rudy, Mayor Bloomberg SAIC Crime Update CityTime Trial Begins Sept 30 learn about Preet’s Teflon List
What is with all the sealed info CityTime like corrupt NYPD detectives sealing Dr Fagelman’s false cross complaint against me with her forged medical report she gave NYPD as well as assault me all criminal actions along with NYPD coercing me to drop charges all crimes not arrest instead corrupt cops rush to seal it up.
Bloomberg Rudy Quinn rose gill Hearn mark page lucky Teflon
Tweeted Christine Quinn I am exposing her 2morrow AM her role 911 Tech Corruption
if can add 1+1 = 2 than you can easily understand Christine Quinn’s role on 911 Tech corruption so egregious she could pay interns to faint every day to be their faux hero and it won’t absolve her
This article with Cas Holloway’s letter to Janet Napolitano is my VICTORY because he lied and insulted all of us…..he did not stay for our testimony and mine stated HP was stealing. I gave copies of my testimony to Juan Gonzalez, to everyone that would take a copy.
FDNY chiefs took a copy but guess who refused the NYPD head guy for tech top brass and guess who was doing creative policing allowing me to be savagely assaulted my retina damaged for life now — my neck and the NYPD did creative policing same precinct the First Precinct that protects City Hall, same corrupt det squad and my video proves I was assaulted and the NYPD and IAB fixed it.
They did it for a series of reasons and one was that I am a whistle blower reporting corruption involving the NYPD and IAB not doing their job but also 911 Tech corruption and Kelly came out after Hurricane Sandy and said 911 Tech system worked and it didn’t. In my opinion my guess Dr Fagelman called 1800 NYPD IAB fix it for me as well but me being a 911 whistle blower the 2nd to be strong armed by the corrupt First Precinct Det Squad is a factor not just a coincidence.
Christine Quinn talks human rights and anti-hate crimes but she is as much apart of me being attacked a hate crime in my opinion as Mark Carson’s ambulance taking too long just like Ariel Russo’s and she won’t open an investigation because he also didn’t have a fighting chance because she sold us out to Rudin Family Greed.
Bill DeBlasio’s public advocate rep did call IAB to find out status of my case and they lied and said the case was open but the NYPD det that coerced and he was as violent and abusive as you can be without ever meeting me threatening me was allowed to retire so there is proof the NYPD and Internal Affairs are corrupt and protect corrupt NYPD officers like Det John Vergona who sent I message about the violence and me being on the receiving end. No wonder Mike Bloomberg and Christine Quinn are silent about me being savagely attacked at 155 Spring St and the NYPD and IAB fixing it for the doctor’s office yet the YouTube has over 15,300 views and the lawsuit has over 900 reads on and does reference CityTime and 911 whistle blowing work and retaliation and bias.
It should be noted 2 people from The NY Post approached me to do the story of my shocking assault and never did the story so the bias and behavior very much like early stages Nazi Germany go on people at the top who don’t consider their behavior at all like the early stages of Nazi Germany.
Maybe the NYDN will have another exclusive years after me on Christine Quinn’s role far more guilty than Bill Thompson on both CityTime and 911.
Bloomberg, Quinn, Thompson, Mark Page and in my opinion even Rose Gill Hearn and most of City Council all pushed through these corrupt tech messes and agreed to go over budget billions of dollars on tech messes and high priced consultants.
NYDN Exclusive CityTime Bill Thompson 2 Years After Suzannah B. Troy’s
Below is a post from my blog — my journal my art therefore also my opinion….
9-11 911 Failure Sept 11 Fast Forward to Now 911 Tech Corruption 2 billion 3 million dollar Tax Payer Titanic CityTime 2 — follow the money trail….one year anniversary of John Liu’s press release of an audit of ECTP 911 Tech system calling for criminal investigation…. no criminal investigation by Cy Vance yet and US Attorney Preet Bharara has not come and taken it as he should have.
Reminder Rudy who made his myth of a 9-11 Hero in to 30 million dollar personal fortune had 11 years to move the Emergency Command Center and he didn’t.
Learn about the new 911 Tech system and the many scams including even a real estate purchase for a 2nd Emergency command center that cost…oops mega millions but who cares — it is just tax payer money –not Bloomberg’s personal bank account….
I wrote a piece from 3:00 am to 3:30am with one finger on my iphone and when I tried to copy and paste it to post to Mayor Bloomberg King of New York the entire piece was erased and I don’t think it was an accident.
Joyce Purnick’s awful bio smoke mirror and lies and pushed by her pals at the new york times who used to employer her made a point of saying Mike would oogle women’s breasts at City Hall and say nice tits and how Patti Harris would reprimand him. Who’s Joyce Purnick’s husband? Patti’s husband Judge Lebow was written up in The NY Times along with Valone family and Thompson family has in exploiting The People of NYC is a family biz – Yes those connected get the big bucks funneled to them in every way possible…Dirty Patti and her family can verify that from her son getting a cush job along with Bloomberg’s sister’s best friend to run Information Tech NYC Gov and again as if real investigators where to come in just like Glenn Hutchins dumping his stock in Gartner Group who in my opinion over billed us on every thing from ECTP 911 to Board of Elections consulting is the rumor — Patti Harris’s son was quietly allowed to exit with a soft landing and I want to ask Mark Page and Judge Lebow along with all of Rudy’s guys turned SAIC lobbyists did they push the uber corrupt MTA SAIC Deal?
Anyway poor David Seifman was properly ordered to write this piece to help push Mike Bloomberg’s puppet Christine Quinn hence the empty piece on Mike’s admiring some woman’s well formed ass and Christine Quinn who knows even with billionaires getting money funneled to her any way possible and Howard Rubenstein pulling strings she may lose the mayoral election so she tries to separate her self from Mike saying the man she helped push through an illegal third term with the lie he would help us with the economy and Mike grew richer and I believe Quinn has gone from being sued for back rent 3 or 4 times now owns 2 million $ + properties one in NYC and one in NJ while more New Yorkers fell in to poverty?
Google Christine Quinn talking points
Google Christine Quinn Chuck Meara
Google Christine Quinn Cy Vance St. Vincent’s Hospital Crooks
Mike is right about Christine Quinn’s hair color but The NY Post article pathetic.
Gay men have admired my breasts and proved to me they are as sexist as straight men so Mike admiring tits and ass making rude comments — playing the male gaze game to feel power over women which is what all my YouTubes are about most of my audience is too stupid to know or understand.
That was what Hugh Hefner and Larry Flynt realized — for a few dollars way back when men could buy a magazine and stare at women’s body parts — it is a power grab — for men who feel very powerless to feel power to grab power. Why do men buy cigars and have stripper parties? To feel power.
This article in The NY Post had two points — to sell Mike as a macho sexist pig when in fact he could be a gay macho sexist pig but his girlfriend is flat chested and has no ass resembling a male not a female and she is not only flat as a board but she is on every board that green lights companies including Mike Bloomberg’s best client Goldman Sachs and makes sure they are not regulated.
2nd point — Quinn’s is Mike’s victim so vote for her.
Ask Quinn why we have no hospital where St. Vincent’s Hospital was but Rudin Luxury Condos. Why no criminal investigation in to st. vincent’s. Howard Rubenstein worried it could splish splah on to Rudin family acquisition of St. V pennies on the dollar?
Why didn’t bloomberg, Amanda the People’s Burden, Quinn, Scott Stringer, The health commissiner and Rudins fight for protective zoning for a hospital instead of Rudin Luxury condos?
Don’t rich people need Trauma Level 1 hospital, AIDS Care and a Rape Crisis Center? Let’s ask Rosie O’Donnell for a comment.