Sheldon Silver to Be Arrested 2 Years Before Suzannah Troy Confronted him Outside Courthouse

Suzannah Troy Exclusively Confronted Sheldon Silver on YouTube Asking Are You Corrupt Years before and to date No one has asked him

Sheldon Silver R U part of Corruption?

April 2013 I confronted Sheldon Silver.  Only I had the balls to do it except I don’t have balls (I have something better) in a have to deal with sexist pigs all the time sexism discrimination even anti-Semitism.   I’m the only woman blogger to do what I do here in NYC I’m in the blogger to do what I do.

How ironic I confront him outside a court house  now he is going to get arrested.  As usual I am light years ahead reporting corruption and here again I am validated.  

Cy Vance (now Cy has an intern a victim of a sex predator maybe him or his pal who won’t come forward see below under ps ) dirty NYPD including two NYPD commissioners want to send me a message to heads up internal affairs dirty cops corrupt dirty oligarchs want to put me in my place will guess what I have the exclusive video years before anyone have the guts and I confront Sheldon silver and ask him are you corrupt?
For years I’m the only person to demand a criminal investigation in to 911.

I was the first and only person to say do not renew with SAIC they’re stealing no one listens to me the union that embrace me and supported me set it will never happen we have to renew they agreed I was the first and only person to demand it it’s on YouTube you can see me on YouTube with a video of over thousand views of me saying don’t renew with SAIC it’s all on YouTube including now vindication confronting Sheldon silver.
Gary Tilzer has exclusive Melissa Mark Viverito dd same as Sheldon Silver…

please help this go viral so shame MD, my attacker, NYPD, IAB and Cy Vance, ADAs involved thank you.
So sad I will also say to FBI I told you so yes over and Over on 911. Here I am almost 2 years ago confronting Silver on camera and the price I pay for my activism DA NYPD IAB sent me a message I better shut up or else the fixing for Dr Fagelman a warning.

Vid 4 second highlights Vine

Mayor Bloomberg 911 Tech Corruption HP so CityTimish by Suzannah Troy Artist

These are my opinions from my blogs my journal my art.  Thanks for checking in…



Mayor Bloomberg and HP 911 Corruption Creative Accounting


People now talking about the corrupt flawed 911 tech system seem willfully obtuse to the fact the newest contractors came in and built on a house of cards with Bloomberg handing out our tax payer money like it was his charity buying favors as he did an illegal third term he barely won.



Are the NYPD going to answer 911 calls on the moon?



We didn’t need to hand NASA 14 million dollars to come in and “help” us.   How is NASA “help” doing or really are we helping NASA, military contractors who’s federal contracts have been drying up along with HP and Verizon who in my opinion along with Northrop  Grumman over billed us and like Bloomberg and NYC Gov with the exception of John Liu could have stopped this corruption…


DOITT head Paul Cosgrove blew the whistle on HP and was terminated.


HP had no 911 experience!!!!!!!!!!


Not news but the media has been killing news to protect Bloomberg like serial killers just like they silenced voices in opposition to push thru Mike’s illegal third term just like they are protecting Christine Quinn and Scott Stringer right now two people so guilty of preventing us from having a Trauma Level 1 Hospital with a Rape Crisis Center and AIDS care but not news and they allowed corruption to reach historic levels as they profited so much they do not want to leave NYC.   If you can make it here you can’t make it anywhere so Quinn and Stringer won’t leave office but they made a hell of a lot of money more than they could have in the private sector.  NYC gov has treated them well and they live like royalty and are protected by a “thug media” who won’t even report I was violently assaulted at a doctor’s office so shocking the YouTube has over 14,300 views.

The lawsuit references 911 Tech corruption twice and CityTime as well…interesting huh?




Rose Gill Hearn ignored all the warning like she did CityTime because despite Preet Bharara’s in your face corrupt CityTime prosecution — mayor Bloomberg, Bill Thompson and Dept of Investigation were all notified and this was way before Gerard Denault was brought in.   (I am not saying the citytime crooks are innocent but that there are so many more of them and there should be more indictments CityTime SAIC and NYC Gov officials but instead Preet want to put this to sleep.


As record amounts of innocent New Yorkers have been falsely arrested, and or stopped and frisked for no good reason or me who agreed to be false arrested twice for being a victim of a violent assault at a doctor’s office….


under Bloomberg, Team Bloomberg with puppets Scott Stringer and Christine Quinn we have the LARGEST CORRUPTION EVER IN THE HISTORY OF NYC

starting with:




311 can’t get figures..

(price tag for consultants for these three and board of election staggering start with

Gartner Group — no wonder Glenn Hutchins another billionaire with White House ambitions dumped his stock but Glenn you didn’t need to you, Bloomberg all involved above the law….just innocent folk like me who was savagely attacked at a medical office have to worry)


Board of Election — NYC gov tax payer big bucks get ready to vote with a lever because it was yet another tech scam if you vote at all — I know many of you feel too hopeless to vote…


Board of Ed..too many tech corrupt dealings to list


FDNY Wireless




Seedco not tech but mayor Bloomberg’s favorite non profit busted for stealing!


And so many more


yet Bill Keller who either has no brains or shame is among the soulless posing as media or journalist praise Bloomberg as a wonderful mayor and how many will do that because he like the bully on the beach using his money and billions of tax payer dollars to win friends and influence but that money was abused in the worst ways……..




I made these two sites to say NY State with Cuomo and his predecessors and Bloomberg etc.  add in The White House democrats and republicans run our government like a corrupt compnay….


corrupt co

corrupt company

corrupt contractors

corrupt corporations



Here I am confronting Stephen Goldsmith his first day and FYI look carefully — is that Liz Holtzman lobbying for SAIC (Rudy’s deputy mayors turned lobbyist for SAIC) SAIC who had to repay us $450 million dollars cash not half of what they owe us in my opinion….


How Mike Bloomberg (a sitting mayor committed perjury Haggerty Trial) and so many others from Albany to City Hall like Vito Lopez and so many “families” that run NY and Christine Quinn slush abuse broken campaign laws short list have not been arrested is beyond me….

Bloomberg Breasty Resign Playlist