Mayor Bloomberg Uses Gabby and Gun Control Damaged Legacy by Suzannah Troy


These are my opinions….

Mike Bloomberg Use Gabby & Gun Control to Avoid 911 Corruption, Poverty, Violence with No Guns, Pension Problems etc to Spin his Legacy in to Gold



Mike Bloomberg’s legacy is in the garbage but as usual the king of spin and lies — he is using gun control to spin his legacy in the garbage thanks to term limits, ECTP 911 mega corruption and deaths  Bloomberg’s Blizzard and Hurricane Sandy, CityTime 2nd largest crime EVER in NYC Gov. 911 bigger, in my opinion add a slew of mega over runs including 311 which like 911 failed during Hurricane Sandy, NYCAPS, FDNY Wireless, etc.


Seedco just officially punished for their crime and like SAIC has to pay the People of NY back money they stole over billing us which is easy to do under mayor Mike Bloomberg.


No one is asking him about these issues and the hospital crisis here in NYC except on the Upper East Side where he lives and that includes the St. Vincent’s Hospital Scandal with Cy Vance refusing to prosecute St. Vincent’s crooks just like he has not investigated the 911 corruption and John Liu’s request for a criminal investigation almost a year ago and how many people died or suffered far worse medical issues because 911 failed Hurricane Sandy?


Bloomberg pushed a reckless tsunami of devleopment aiding Higher Ed like Columbia University, NYU, NY Law, SVA, The New School, Cooper Union as well with Christine Quinn’s help aiding their pal Bill Rudin so we have no hospital in the West Village but Rudin Luxury Condos.


No one will ask Mike Bloomberg about the 3 trials in the Bronx NYPD out of control and the deaths by NYPD guns.  No one will ask Mike Bloomberg about Adrian Schoolcraft and how the Queen’s DA refused to prosecute top NYPD officers for putting him in a mental ward just before the election Mike Bloomberg barely won and Mike was selling the lie crime was down.


If Adrian Schoolcraft at been at The New York Times and not help prisoner at a mental ward right before Mike’s election and the NYPD held him through the election Mike might not have won because Mike sold the lie crime is down.


Det. Harold Hernandez resigned when he learned his unit was down grading First Degree Rape.


Mike Bloomberg right now People in Queens and Staten Island as well as Brooklyn still need your help because of the devastation of hurricane sandy and the 911 system still doesn’t work properly and you have Commissioner Ray Kelly saying it does.


Mike grows richer along with Christine Quinn and her spouse as more New Yorkers are falling in to poverty and they feel they are treated like criminals by the NYPD who stop and frisk them with no cause.


Mike Bloomberg uses Gabby Gifford for his tarnish legacy — he thinks he can uses gun tragedies to spin his crimes in to gold.


Mike Bloomberg commited perjury during the Haggerty trial.  Will he do so again during the CityTime trial.  Is that why Preet Bharara keeps pushing the CityTime trial back — so when Mike commits perjury again he won’t be doing it as a sitting mayor yet again?


Mike and Team Bloomberg were given immunity and none waived it during the Haggerty trial.  They will need Preet to give them immunity again during the CityTime trial and where is ECTP 911 criminal trial.


No wonder Mike is using Gabby.

911 Mega Scandals NYPD Mega Scandals NYC Falling Down by Suzannah B. Troy Artist

911 Mega Scandals NYPD Mega Scandals NYC Falling Down by Suzannah B. Troy Artist

These are my posts a NYC round-up on mega-scandals and corrupt politicians NYC running NYC like corrupt co a corrupt corp. or company you pick.   This are from my blog which is a journal my art and my opinions.  Enjoy.

ccrb shut down – cases put off until next year sandy and below par tech system
Kelly once could have been mayor is as  unpopular as bloomberg — well almost –

Mike and media  keeps spinning lies but New Yorkers are angry. 

No one in the media is asking Mike Bloomberg, mayoral candidates, Ray Kelly about NYPD mega scandals Adrian Schoolcraft Queens DA and 3 Trials in the Bronx and none anywhere else because DAs too scared or in bed with NYPD? I hear PBA NYPD favors right at City Hall! Ssshhh.


Yes I was once on record saying I would vote for Commish Kelly over Christine Quinn.  Well now I would not vote for either of them.
Go to this link and you will also see this…
“If Commissioner Kelly ran for mayor he would lose.   Although the press so far is killing the news  Queens DA Brown did what many of us feel is immoral – prevented a Grand Jury from hearing how Adrian Schoolcraft was wrongfully violated by top NYPD brass including Deputy Chief Mike Marino and DI Steve Mauriello who I believe has been promoted twice.

Listen to this and learn why the DA refused to put this in front of a grand jury — because it was a sure indictment.

This interview AMAZING AND VERY DISTURBING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   Listen to the part about down grading rape — they even have on tape the NYPD raiding his home with SWAT team and tasers.”


———————————– 911 –——————————

911 Tech Scandal (ECTP) Huge mega scandal bigger than CityTime — another Tax Payer’s Titanic and HUGELY flawed system that was doomed to fail and will again.  Why?  So much money stolen?  Same as CityTime where rumor has it Dept of Investigation was notified and did NOTHING.  Until the US Attorney cuts ties with DOI on  CityTime we know Preet isn’t serious.  Preet refuses to go back in Time CityTIme but SAIC shareholders clearly have read my blog and are.  How embarrassing for Mike Bloomberg, Team Bloomberg including DOI Mike’ political arm yes that is  DOI and Preet Bharara who is afraid of committing career suicide?

John Sexton NYU pres Evil Real Estate Magnate may be kicked out?

We can only hope finally read why….


Christine Quinn does not have the bodily language of a leader and someone please run against Scott Stringer for  Comptroller!   We can’t have that loser black  hole Scott Stringer.

NYC Gov Bloomberg, US Attorney the CityTime scandal and Deb Alderson doesn’t go down.

Can you say Alan Hevesi Mark Guma Mark Guma Christine Quinn Mark Guma Cy Vance Mark Guma Maura Keaney and Maura Keany Christine Quinn now add the word scandals.

I am in a book my work filming giuseppi Logan

John Sexton NYU Evil Empire Purple Reign of Terror Law Suit?

These are my opinions — I am an artist — I paint with my words….  This is my art via Corrupt Co and believe me John Sexton running down to testify Mike Bloomberg must have an illegal third term supporting Christine Quinn’s use of slush and intimidation and selling the lie that we needed Mike to help us with the economy — and what do we have third term?  More poverty — more homeless and more evil NYU community crushing expansion along with Cooper Union (illegal zone busting), Columbia U. eminent domain abuse and more — look to higher ed in NYC and it is about higher greed and using their status for the most corrupt greedy land development all backed by corrupt co Team Bloomberg and it is so anti-Democratic process pure greed and stupidity.


Nothing learned from Wall St. Implosion and Mortgage Meltdown!


From Suzannah B. Troy:   We do not have a democracy – the majority of People of do not want NYU expansion just like they did not want Rudin Luxury Hospital Condos but continue to demand a full service hospital and City Council who is supposed to represent the people did not vote for the People but always in favor of greed with one exception Charles Barron!


Christie Quinn a sell-out and so is Scott Stringer.


Hey NYU students and parents — did u not know you pay for lawyers to beat down community law suits as well as Dave Perjury Witness Tampering Paterson — former accidental gov who enjoys flirting with your daughters and getting paid lots of money by John Sexton because Sexton evil press of NYU wants Basil Paterson’s connections to continue on his Purple Reign of Terror running NYU the evil empire of the East Village.


Visit 120 East 12th St. St. Ann’s grave — learn about the USPS illegal air sale to corrupt NYU to tear down St. Ann’s from 1847 that survived all these years except for corrupt USPS and NYU’s need and greed to build yet another mega dorm.  NYU mega dormed the East Village to death.


NYU John Sexton EVIL!


Christine Quinn and Bloomberg, Margaret  Chin, Rosie Mendez all supported this community crushing development that will blot out the sun, rip out trees and further rob what little “Village” is left thanks to NYU greed headed by that evil dirt bag John Sexton.

Donald Trump Bronx Golf Course Construction Co Bribery Scandal


Reminder we don’t live in a democracy.  Donald Trump talks like a patriot but when it comes to real estate he is just another evil “oligarch of NY” who will throw Democracy out the door and crush your community with his greed and community.

I spoke at a packed house filled with People — me included who did not want Trump busting through zoning in Soho.  I spoke about Bloomberg pushing a corrupt Tsunami of Community Crushing greed to fast to be safe and being built on Old NY’s Infrastructure.

Corrupt NYU hosted the City Council Task Force Meeting on Dept of Building and Christine Quinn who was and is in bed with Donald Trump and all greedy community crushing developers did not attend because she didn’t want to be booed down by her own community — Quinn always a coward — so James Oddo hosted the event.


The Villager a corrupt little rag that does a few feel good articles but is in bed with Bloomberg, Quinn and Trump covered my speech and photo and small piece was from their website and Chelsea Now – their sister paper.  Here is the beautiful photo and I know a man video taped my speech.  The crowd applaud me like I was Janis Joplin.  I remember Rosie Mendez came in late and her body language was so arrogant.  She was stunned by the huge audience’s response to me and she was barely acknowledged.  She had her guy call me the next day because her office had ignored my complaints about bars.

Remember Quinn didn’t show her face.  We are not represented.  Fast forward to the present and Rosie Mendez who doesn’t believe in term limits voted as Christine Quinn wanted for no protective zoning for a hospital only and yes to Rudin Luxury condos. She voted for NYU’s newest evil crushing expansion of our communities!   If she was hoping Margarita Lopez could get her a job at NYCHA that idea is dead now because her mentor is up to her eyeballs in scandal.

The crowd was hugely anti-Trump.

No democracy because as we know from The White House whether Republican or Democrat to Albany and City Hall it is run like a corrupt company with no concern for Teh People but for greed and stupidity.


Of course there was death — a construction death but it wasn’t Donald Trump’s kids so he didn’t lose any sleep and a significant water main break nearby which inconvenienced traffic trying to get in and of of the Holland Tunnel.

Do you think Donald Trump cares about the People or it is about his ego and tax deductions?


Do you think he suffers for narcissism galore, needs meglomanical massages and has not one ounce of shame and guilt for the destructive zone busting, sun blotting, ugly hideous community crushing development with blood on his hands and he is hated by the People of NY where he does his evil developments so does he think the golf course will get him off the hook?  No.  He has not morals.  He just helps his pals, wants to make money and is looking for the best tax deductions!


His curse is he is so vain and he has to look in the mirror.   He has no morals but being so vain looking in the mirror has to hurt.  Not as bad as the hurt for The People neighborhoods he  has destroyed but for such a vain guy it is one small punishment on earth for this narcissist who sees an unpleasant image looking back.


When Mike Bloomberg says Progress he means get your moving van!


NYU, Donald Trump, Cooper Union, NY Law Dorm by the Hells Angels, Columbia University & Bruce Ratner – Jay-Z -eminent domain abuse no respect for the People of this great city — they pray at the altar of money and greed and one wonders if some Biblical kind of Justice will be served for all the harm they have done.

They think they can hand people spin, all kinds of glittery gifts and the People won’t care but they do take notice.

An old video I did on NY’s crumbling infrastructure and these greedy stupid people that run New York allowed a reckless Tsunami of development on old NY’s infrastructure.

Remember the Steam Pipe explosion that looked like a terror attack?

Mayor Bloomberg refused to have a Deputy Mayor of Infrastructure.  I contacted Dan Doctoroff and I found out later so did engineers with the same concerns.  I was told he told them he is the deputy of infrastructure.  After the explosion he left to go run Bloomberg’s private empire will Bloomberg runs’ this public on NYC gov in to the ground!

Read my work on Bloomberg’s multi-Watergates CityTime, ECTP 911 Tech system, NYCAPS, NYWiNS, 311, FDNY Wireless and so many other tech contracts were we were overbilled and the tech so flawed it is beyond concerning — with CityTime for instance CityTime will end up in the dumpster and I was the only one to say SAIC returning $500,00 million dollars is too low a figure.  ECTP is even bigger and so far no criminal investigation lucky for Bloomberg and Quinn his mini-me.

Welcome to New York State and City — welcome to Corrupt Co.