CityTime Trial is calling 50ish plus witnesses. Preet must call the top brass. Team Bloomberg, Joel Bondy, Where are the Allen’s, Deb Alderson et al SAIC. Watch this heat up as trial nears. There’s a new sealed document, what’s up with that?
mayor bloomberg king of new york: Rudy, Mayor Bloomberg SAIC Crime Update CityTime Trial Begins Sept 30 learn about Preet’s Teflon List
What is with all the sealed info CityTime like corrupt NYPD detectives sealing Dr Fagelman’s false cross complaint against me with her forged medical report she gave NYPD as well as assault me all criminal actions along with NYPD coercing me to drop charges all crimes not arrest instead corrupt cops rush to seal it up.
Bloomberg Rudy Quinn rose gill Hearn mark page lucky Teflon
From my blog which is my journal my thoughts my art….my opinions
Preet Bharara was never going to hold Christine Quinn and Mike Bloomberg responsible for slush abuse but when they pushed through the most corruption ever NYC gov history Preet just went in to see no evil mode!
You would think the FBI I spoke with before Lt. O’Sullivan — yes I had an in depth conversation with an FBI Agent woman on the phone — someone either the FBI or NYC gov would have thanked me and we would already have a criminal investigation…
Fast forward April 26, 2013: The New York Times building — Energy Conference — and NOTHING HAS CHANGED!!!!!!!!
The 911 Tech System a 2 billion dollar Tax Payers Titanic — CityTime 2 stealing going on, HP had no experience 911 and we can’t even text 911 but the corruption has made a lot of people richer as New Yorkers die or are further harmed because 911 system flawed.
FOR 2 BILLION PLUS DOLLARS you might expect the 911 system to work?
If we have another “hurricane” or Bloomberg’s Blizzard of 2012, or a serious Terror attack or series of than the system will collapse again.
You think someone would care?
John Liu called for a criminal investigation in to ECTP 911 last year — one year ago almost and Cy Vance just like the St. Vincent’s Hospital travesty refused to do anything and Preet Bharara should have come in and take ECP 911 aka CityTime 2 but he hasn’t.
Mayor Bloomberg yelled down 911 Tech System doesn’t work Aug 20 2012 and It Collapses under Hurricane Sandy No Criminal Investigation