Mayor De Blasio Bill Bratton Parodies De Blasio the Last to Know Bratton Fired? Parody HI I’m your mayor the last 2know Bratton is 2be fired Parody Bratton during Eric Garner Protest — where was Bill Bratton? At One Police Plaza networking and booking dates at A list parties for him and his wife?
I feel like Lenny Bruce except I never have done drugs but it looks like I may need Ron Kuby at any moment…
Do you think I will be “accidentally” hardee har har murdered like Eric Garner. I am not laughing just coping with the anger since I have a damaged retina from Delita Hooks making a hole in my retina and she damaged my eyes and neck with her attack. No arrest and she wasn’t fired so the NYPD and Internal Affairs Bureau sure did Dr Andrew Fagelman a favor.
Vid 4 second highlights Vine