Sheldon Silver to Be Arrested 2 Years Before Suzannah Troy Confronted him Outside Courthouse

Suzannah Troy Exclusively Confronted Sheldon Silver on YouTube Asking Are You Corrupt Years before and to date No one has asked him

Sheldon Silver R U part of Corruption?

April 2013 I confronted Sheldon Silver.  Only I had the balls to do it except I don’t have balls (I have something better) in a have to deal with sexist pigs all the time sexism discrimination even anti-Semitism.   I’m the only woman blogger to do what I do here in NYC I’m in the blogger to do what I do.

How ironic I confront him outside a court house  now he is going to get arrested.  As usual I am light years ahead reporting corruption and here again I am validated.  

Cy Vance (now Cy has an intern a victim of a sex predator maybe him or his pal who won’t come forward see below under ps ) dirty NYPD including two NYPD commissioners want to send me a message to heads up internal affairs dirty cops corrupt dirty oligarchs want to put me in my place will guess what I have the exclusive video years before anyone have the guts and I confront Sheldon silver and ask him are you corrupt?
For years I’m the only person to demand a criminal investigation in to 911.

I was the first and only person to say do not renew with SAIC they’re stealing no one listens to me the union that embrace me and supported me set it will never happen we have to renew they agreed I was the first and only person to demand it it’s on YouTube you can see me on YouTube with a video of over thousand views of me saying don’t renew with SAIC it’s all on YouTube including now vindication confronting Sheldon silver.
Gary Tilzer has exclusive Melissa Mark Viverito dd same as Sheldon Silver…

please help this go viral so shame MD, my attacker, NYPD, IAB and Cy Vance, ADAs involved thank you.
So sad I will also say to FBI I told you so yes over and Over on 911. Here I am almost 2 years ago confronting Silver on camera and the price I pay for my activism DA NYPD IAB sent me a message I better shut up or else the fixing for Dr Fagelman a warning.

Vid 4 second highlights Vine

CityTime Crime Trial Sept 30 TechnoDyne Owners to Appear? Why Sealed Documents Like Corrupt NYPD Detectives Sealing Delita Hooks False Cross Complaint with their Crime Coercion?


From Suzannah B. Troy Artist Blog — my journal my art my thoughts my opinions….

Bloomberg Quinn Giuliani CityTime Trial TechnoDyne Owners to Appear?

Bloomberg Quinn Giuliani CityTime
Trial TechnoDyne Owners to Appear?

CityTime Trial is calling 50ish plus witnesses. Preet  must call the top brass. Team Bloomberg, Joel Bondy, Where are the Allen’s, Deb Alderson et al SAIC. Watch this heat up as trial nears. There’s a new sealed document, what’s up with that?

mayor bloomberg king of new york: Rudy, Mayor Bloomberg SAIC Crime Update CityTime Trial Begins Sept 30 learn about Preet’s Teflon List
What is with all the sealed info CityTime like corrupt NYPD detectives sealing Dr Fagelman’s false cross complaint against me with her forged medical report she gave NYPD as well as assault me all criminal actions along with NYPD coercing me to drop charges all crimes not arrest instead corrupt cops rush to seal it up.

Why do People Hate Mike Bloomberg? by Suzannah B. Troy Artist

Why do People Hate Mike Bloomberg? by suzannah B. Troy Artist

This from my blog, my journal, my art, my opinions…

He is smug, arrogant and responsible for the largest white collar crimes EVER in NYC Gov History.

Ed Koch just past away and even Wall St. Journal writers join The NY Times in white washing Koch’s direct involvement in corruption — it was not coincidence that folks that worked under him at City Hall where mired in corruption — read Ed Koch: City for Sale.
Bloomberg took Rudy’s corruption rotten CityTime with SAIC as prime contractor and pushed the uber defense contractor who has just screwed the FBI with their Trilogy program the way they screwed us on CityTime and even won awards I kid you not.
SAIC won the Dwight Eisenhower Award for what — helping sub-contractors to steal….I want every sub-contract, consultant and quality control advisor to return tax payer money CityTime!!!!!!!  Ditto ECTP 911 bigger scam? In my opinion yes.)
311 mostly no results — 311 another tax payer Titanic and there are so many under Bloomberg CityTime, ECTP 911, 311, NYCAPS, NYCWiNS, FDNY Wireless, NICE (NYCHA), countless board of ed deals newest expose IBM guy stealing, Board of Election tech disasters, etc.
Seedco Mike’s favorite non profit stealing forced to return 1.7 million tax dollars stolen?
Mike Bloomberg and Rose Gill Hearn said we would get back all $80 tax payer dollars stolen allegedly by Mark the Momzer Mazer represented by Gerald Shargel… Gerald Bubala can we talk?
Gerald Shargel and Barry Bohrer — begging will offer sexual favors — just joking but call Mike Bloomberg, Team Bloomberg, Rudy and his guys,  Rose Gill Hearn, Richard Valcich, etc.
Why do People hate Mike?  More people can’t afford to live here?  They don’t want to live in a micro closet designated by Mike and mega million socialite  City Planner Commissioner Amanda the People’s Burden with a 40 million dollar trust for her kids — Amanda green lighted every corrupt evil zone busting deal to destroying our historic neighborhoods.
Thanks Amanda the People’s Burden for no protective zoning St. Vincent’s Hospital so Rudin pals could push through corrupt condos to replace Trauma Level 1 Hospital with AIDS Care and a Rape Crisis Center.
Stop and Frisks.  Mike hated for that and Mike hated for the largest amount of innocent New Yorkers EVER arrested from the Republican Convention to Occupy Wall St.
I renamed him baby putin record number of People’s civil rights violated.
Mike let our hospitals closed and assaulted us with posters on fat and smoking in the subways and Koch tried to raise New Yorkers spirits with ad campaigns although they both were mired in corruption that came up like sour milk third term.
Adrian Schoolcraft’s tapes devastating to the NYPD and he was put in a mental ward and given the bill so he could not spill the beans during the few days before and during the election Mike barely won selling the lie crime was down when it is not.
George Washington would have hung Mike for Treason.  I read that some where — I added in Christine Quinn his mini-me.
Mike pushed a tsunami of development on old NY’s infrastructure — the street conditions are in the worst shape in many years.
He pushed a reckless development on so many old infrastructures including the subway systems which needs major expansion and we won’t get it because it is like the USPS except the USPS loses 14 million dollars a day and multi-billion dollars a year.
The most People have left the area since The American Indians.
The school teachers hate Mike Bloomberg.
We hate Mike for Cathie Black and all the commissioners as qualified as her all part of the club and I add Rose Gill Hearn — look at her daddy — he got caught stealing….oops but boy is he connected.
Can you say NYU, Cooper Union, Columbia U., illegal zone busting NY Law dorm with balconies next to Hell’s Angels — law dorm illegal way to high but Mike, Amanda the People’s Burden — The New School, SVA Dorm EAst Viillage….
All the illegal community crushing zone busting builds by higher ed really higher greed excluding and crushing the community — party on says Mike and Amanda the People’s Burden.


CityTime Scandal Update Bad News Mayor Bloomberg by Suzannah B. Troy Artist

From Suzannah B. Troy Artist Blog….my journal my art my opinions…
I am the only one to report Gerard Denault sued SAIC and won!!!!!!!!!!
SAIC has to pay Denault’s legal bills.

U all know in my opinion Barry Bohrer and Gerald Shargel’s clients guilty but SAIC top officials and top officials NYC gov officials past and present guiltier!!!!!

Read Richard Valcich whistle blowing letter — I read an excerpt has what close to 8,000 views
Note:  About to break 9,000 views and I have gotten more grey hairs since than…smile sigh.

I am part Mae West Joan Rivers and Mike Wallace — I continue to offer Shargel and Bohrer sexual favors and Mayor Bloomberg King of NY posters if they call Mike Bloomberg, Rose Gill Hearn, Richard Valcich, Christine Quinn, Bill Thompson, Mark Page, Team Bloomberg, Rudy Giuliani and his deputy mayors turned lobbyists, DOITT heads turned lobbyists…

Just joking about sex — would give a lawyer boyfriend the best SEX of his life — not the prettiest or air brushed but he would have to work very very hard for it.   Giggle.  Excuse me I am 50 years old!
Feel um er passionate about…..Justice!!!!

Can u tell I am never bored?

Barry Bohrer takes paying client booty with him….giggle giggle groan…. sorry folks have to find the laughs…lotus flower…..get it?

ECTP 911 bigger than CityTime and I want huge amount if $$$$$$$$$$$ back and I want to go after contractors auditors as well for The People of NYC.  $450 million cash back from SAIC was too little — call me a size queen!!!!!!

CityTime trial a nightmare for Bloomberg public relations people spinning lies for him his faux legacy!!!

CityTime Scandal Update: Gerard Denault Lawyer Barry Bohrer New Law Firm