Christine Quinn is Worse than A Bum No Hospital Rudin Condos

Suzannah Troy Artist Blog post reposted here —- these are my opinions thanks for visiting

corrupt co nyc because Mike Bloomberg Christine Quinn and too many other run NYC like

their own corrupt co

Christine Quinn is worse than any pervy guy because of her greed and stupidity and Scott Stringers puppet for the rich “men-tality” that made sure we have Rudin Luxury condos not a rape crisis Center both Quinn and Stringer must be banned from government offices for life.

We need a Hospital with a Rape Crisis Center and Trauma Level 1 care where St. Vincent’s was with AIDS care but Quinn and Stringer like Bloomberg Rudin sell-outs like John Sexton and the media protects them and sells their lies..

Christine Quinn is Worse than A Bum No Hospital Rudin Condos