Mayor Bloomberg, Team Bloomberg Quinn No Wire Taps Billions of Dollars of Abuse Theft vs Shirley Huntley 80 Grand
Below my blog post and all is my opinion, my art my freedom of expression…..reposted here.
We have the most historic abuses and theft of tax payer money EVER in NYC Gov history.
ECTP 911 Tech — bigger than CityTime dubbed CityTime 2 by John Liu who requested a criminal investigation May 2012 and Cy Vance did nothing!!!! Preet Bharara did not come in and take the case!
HP is being protected by the men who gave them the lead contracting job even though they had no experience. HP biggies appointed to NY Pension board by whom? (hardee har).
CityTime — Preet Bharara refuses to go back in Time and has not kept his word — he said there would be arrests of NYC gov officials.
To date I can’t get a price tag on 311 but no doubt another TechnoTax Payer Titanic like CityTime, ECTP, NYCAPS, NYCWiNS, FDNY Wireless, too many board of Ed contracts where they were stealing and or abusing tax payer money to count, Board of Election Tech corruption, etc. Don’t forget Seedco, mayor Bloomberg’s favorite non -profit also was confident they too could steal money.
John Liu called for a criminal investigation of ECTP 911 Tech corruption that in his first release he called CityTime 2.
Except please read entire press release:
In April of 2005, the City projected the cost of establishing two unified (FDNY, NYPD, FDNY-EMS) 911 emergency call center systems, one in Brooklyn and a second redundant backup system in the Bronx at $380 million. The contract was awarded to Hewlett-Packard. Six years later, the Brooklyn Center is still not fully operational and one year behind schedule.
The Emergency Communications Transformation Program was troubled by findings of poor management and less than satisfactory oversight by the original vendor, which necessitated a second Request for Proposals to be released for the Bronx facility.
In late November, DoITT submitted a $286 million contract to the Comptroller’s Office to hire Northrop Grumman to begin work on establishing the Bronx call center system. As part of Comptroller Liu’s due diligence in reviewing DoITT’s submission, serious red flags emerged, and a request for a full analysis of the cost estimate was issued. DoITT provided the Comptroller’s Office with additional documentation, but it was not sufficient to answer significant outstanding questions. Last week, Comptroller Liu rejected the contract.
Below is the full text of the letter sent to Mayor Michael Bloomberg on January 3, 2011:
Honorable Michael R. Bloomberg
City of New York
City Hall
New York, New York 10007
The Emergency Communications Transformation Program (ECTP) deserves your attention at this time because my office has not been able to approve a $286 million contract for the project as requested by the Department of Information Technology and Telecommunications (DoITT), and because there is opportunity to gain synergy from Deputy Mayor Stephen Goldsmith’s efforts in the wake of the CityTime scandal.
My office has returned the $286 million request from DoITT because of several outstanding questions. Some of the issues are similar to problems encountered with the CityTime project, such as:
- Time and expense billing arrangement, which does not encourage timely and efficient completion;
- Multiple layers of subcontractors, including quality assurance consultants;
- Significant cost overruns: original budget of $380 million now increased to $666 million and counting.
Deputy Mayor Stephen Goldsmith is now undertaking a comprehensive review of the City’s major technology projects, beginning with CityTime, to see why certain things were missed and to make sure that additional measures or safety nets are installed to prevent waste and fraud. The ECTP project should rank high in priority for his review to head off even more severe problems.
The ECTP is an important project that you have initiated for the purpose of improving public safety for New Yorkers. It’s all the more important that it gets done on a timely basis and within our means.
As always, my office is available to assist.
Stephan Goldsmith — his first day working for NYC gov I confront him and who is standing by him by Liz Holzman –was she their lobbying for SAIC? No wire taps where the Feds should be wire tapping starting with top officials NYC gov…..